You Don’t Have An Unending Right To Have A Good Or Service Provided By Somebody Else
An alliance of Progressive Organizations is attempting to counter 23+ hours of truth from Senator Cruz with thirty-one seconds of disingenuous horse-hockey. They rail at Republicans who vote to deny other people healthcare. They rail at Republicans who vote to deny other people food stamps. It’s as if being an American implies that you have a natural right to have the government give you goods and services that originally belonged to, or are produced by somebody else.
In the bizarre world of “Positive Rights,” we get logical constructs that would totally destroy the social contract of any society that attempted to fulfill them. There is never any logical limit to what can be claimed as a so-called Positive Right. In the real-world, to all of these limitless demands are attached similarly limitless costs. It’s analogous to the Work-Energy Relationship in Physics.
If people are not as rich as they want, they are entitled to a “living wage.” There is no limiting concept to what that living wage should be. The current minimum wage is seen as too draconian. Senator Elizabeth Warren can’t understand why we don’t hike it to over $20. She explains below.
Zitat“If we started in 1960, and we said that, as productivity goes up — that is, as workers are producing more — then the minimum wage is going to go up the same,” the Massachusetts senator said during the hearing. “And, if that were the case, the minimum wage today would be about $22 an hour. So, my question … is what happened to the other $14.75?”
My question isn’t “What happened to the $14.75?” It’s more along the lines of “Where will this come from?” Absent the coercive power of the state to take that money at gunpoint, it won’t come from anywhere. At the end of the day a Positive Right can only be guaranteed by the will of the state to shoot its own citizenry for not forking over whatever good or service is now considered someone else’s Positive Right. Am I the only guy here that sees the potential negativity? If you see it as well, you understand why Obamacare, designed to make healthcare universal, has created far more job opportunities for IRS enforcers than it has for medical professionals.
It’s telling that making healthcare a Positive Right via Medicare has cost 800% more per year than what was originally estimated. Fellow RS Contributor, Jeff Emanuel went positively Biblical on this, as he cited The Parable of Talents from The Book of Matthew. He also provides some numbers below.