Loyal readers are well aware of the work I’ve done exposing Grover Norquist’s dangerous Islamist alliances and progressive proclivities (see comprehensive links below). Earlier today, Glenn Beck used his mighty platform to shine a bright spotlight on the GOP’s Grover Norquist problem.
Read and watch Beck’s interview with Frank Gaffney and David Greenfield of David Horowitz’s Freedom Center here. He’s got much more coming.
Beck’s usual array of haters dismissed his report as “conspiratorial” — without refuting any of the substantive points Norquist’s critics have brought to the table. The mounds of evidence about Norquist’s radical open-borders agenda and reckless Muslim outreach have piled up over the years. Kudos to Beck for daring to ruffle the Republican establishment’s feathers, especially at this critical juncture when GOP invertebrates are about to cave on amnesty and sell out America again.
We need more voices speaking up. If not now, when?
Abdurahman Alamoudi, the Boston bombers, Grover Norquist, and the GOP
The GOP’s Grover Norquist problem and the RNC debate
Grover Norquist, the California Republican Party, and an open-borders debacle continued
Who’s afraid of Grover Norquist?
What say you now, Grover Norquist?
Mass illegal alien amnesty violates our founding principles; Update: 14 15 Rs join Ds on Porker-Hoeven cloture vote
A National Security History Lesson for Marco Rubio
An inconvenient question about the Mount Vernon Statement
"Kudos to Beck for daring to ruffle the Republican establishment’s feathers, especially at this critical juncture when GOP invertebrates are about to cave on amnesty and sell out America again."
Best line of the day, so far. I think it's going to stick.
GOP invertebrates! they're never afraid to start a fight knowing they can compromise to find an excuse to quit
TM is something far, far worse.. I'd advise you all not to hang around with me.