ZitatROME, January 24, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) – An item came to my attention today in my daily inspection of the internet, asking a very pertinent question. And though I’m sure it was meant rhetorically, I thought I’d have a go at answering it. A short piece, clearly published in answer to the hundreds of thousands gathered this week on the Washington Mall demanding an end to the slaughter of children, asks, “So what if abortion ends life?”
Mary Elizabeth Williams wrote yesterday on the “progressive” online magazine Salon, “I believe that life starts at conception. And it’s never stopped me from being pro-choice.”
She called the “move” of the “anti-choice lobby” to call itself “pro-life” “diabolically clever,” adding, “Life! Who wants to argue with that? Who wants be on the side of … not-life?”
Salon staff writer Mary Elizabeth Williams
Well, apparently Williams thinks herself equal to the task.
“The ‘life’ conversation is often too thorny to even broach. Yet I know that throughout my own pregnancies, I never wavered for a moment in the belief that I was carrying a human life inside of me,” she writes.
“I believe that’s what a fetus is: a human life. And that doesn’t make me one iota less solidly pro-choice.”
Zitat“I believe that’s what a fetus is: a human life. And that doesn’t make me one iota less solidly pro-choice.”
But this waste of skin is probably all up in arms about the school shooting in CT and wants everything from guns to letter openers made illegal because "if just one life is saved..."
“A fetus can be a human life without having the same rights as the woman in whose body it resides,” writes Williams. “She’s the boss. Her life and what is right for her circumstances and her health should automatically trump the rights of the non-autonomous entity inside of her. Always.”- Mary Elizabeth Williams
So we can eliminate all the non-autonomous entity's in the US?
. . . first they came for the Tea Partiers . . . . . . then they came for the Veterans . . . then they came for the Constitutionialists
. . . then they came for the gun owners . . . then they came for those believing in the 2nd Coming of Christ . . . then they came for general other patriots
. . . then they came for other Christians . . . then they came for the Mormons . . . then they came for those who could think and speak their minds
. . . then they came for those old enough to remember relative freedom . . . then they came for those other influencers . . . then they came for their own useful idiot stooges
. . . then they came for those with handicaps . . . then they came for those with mental illness labels . . . then they came for those over 40 years old
. . . then they came for alcoholics . . . then they came for drug addicts . . . then they came for independent rebels
. . . then they came for anyone they felt like labeling a "useless eater." . . . then they came for those with American flags . . . then they came for those who had Bibles
. . . then they came for those who could read something more complicated than the comics. . . . then they came for those with libraries . . . then they came for those with more than one child.
. . .
Proverbs 22:3 A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. NLT . EXO-POLITICS Vatican kowtows 2 ET ... http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/vaticana4.htm