Craigslist Ad Shows Obamacare Hitting Youth Voter Like a Club Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, January 29, 2013
This Craigslist ad shows reality is hitting a young Obama voter right in the wallet - Here’s a Craigslist poster that’s clearly not very happy with Barack Obama, who he says he voted for. Here is his posting… with a couple of minor edits:
ZitatWhat Obamacare did for me
I thought it would be great, free health insurance, then I got a job. Boss says 28 hours a week is all they are offering now because over 30 requires insurance. Great, 30% pay cut right off the bat. But it gets better. My 28 hour week gives me about $18,000 a year which is too much for any government insurance. So now by law I have to buy my own ($5000) or pay a fine. I’m f**ked and every year the fine goes up. So what I thought was a sweet deal turned into an a** f**king. Thanks Obama, I wonder how many people like me turn 27 and find out you screwed us?