In case you’re wondering “what prostitution case?” you must be a member of the Washington press corps since there’s been a blackout on the scandal. Yes, we have a case of a prominent and high-ranking Democratic senator allegedly using underage prostitutes in the Dominican Republic and it doesn’t merit any national coverage. They’ll be shocked — shocked! — when Menendez is being led away in leg irons.
Nothing like having that protective (D) after your name.
FBI agents raided the West Palm Beach business of an eye doctor suspected of providing free trips and even underage Dominican Republic prostitutes to New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez — who has denied what he calls the “fallacious allegations.”
Agents gathered at the medical-office complex of Dr. Salomon Melgen, a contributor to Menendez and other prominent politicians, late Tuesday night to start hauling away potential evidence in about a dozen white vans.
A dozen vans? Whoa, that’s a lot of evidence.
The investigation is believed to be focusing on Melgen’s finances and the allegations about Menendez’s trips and contact with prostitutes. A spokesman for Menendez could not be reached for comment, nor could Melgen.
Via John E. Meanwhile, Menendez must have been tipped off to the story as he hastily departed a presser Tuesday night.
Menendez told Breitbart News’ Kerry Picket that he wasn’t “going to dignify that story” when she asked him for comment on the FBI inquiry into his alleged solicitation of prostitutes in the Dominican Republic. Menendez had a similarly abrasive confrontation with The Daily Caller’s Nicholas Ballasy on Monday.
If New Jersey had a Democratic governor Menendez likely would be jettisoned quickly so he could be replaced by another hack like him. But clearly the strategy is to ignore the story in the hopes it goes away.