This is a long but interesting read. The author uses the current situation in Cyprus to analyze the alliance of government and central banks to fleece the middle class.
It’s Time to Collapse the System Submitted by Gordon_Gekko 03/20/2013
" . . .
Zitat ‘I’m furious with myself,’ he said. ‘I had so many opportunities to move my money abroad but was taken in by all the promises that any attempt to raid my savings was a red line not to be crossed. Experts said it was against the law. Now, I’ve lost several thousand euros. As someone who is retired, the money in my account is all I have to live on for the rest of my life.
‘What’s really upset people is that they’ve been lied to. They were told that their money was safe and that they shouldn’t move it and then they announce this. Everyone’s accounts are frozen and the ATMs have no money. Some people are struggling to get enough cash together to buy food and water...[people] just feel that they’ve been robbed by the Government.’ --Chris Drake (Former BBC Middle East correspondent, retired to Cyprus) via
(All emphasis mine)
So what are you going to do? Are you going to place your faith in the "authorities" like Mr. Drake did? Will you wait for them to rape and pillage you? Or are you going to take matters into your own hands. It's time to take responsibility for yourself and your loved ones. The Government and the Banksters ain't gonna save you. And if you think what happened in Cyprus this weekend is a "one-off" and it can't happen to you - even if you're outside the Eurozone - think again. The fact of the matter is that this was THEFT of private property - pure and simple. And just because it was performed by mafia dressed up in Government regalia and bearing authoritative three letter acronyms (ECB, IMF et. al. – all banker fronts) doesn't mean it wasn't one. This shows us that the Government and the bankster mafia who control them are willing to go to any length to have the public reimburse their “losses” and transfer public wealth into their own pockets. And they just declared outright war against the public.
Anybody in Spain or Italy who's watching what's happening in Cyprus and doesn't withdraw their money RIGHT THIS MOMENT from their banks deserves what's coming their way. This is as loud and clear as it gets folks. And it’s not just Spain or Italy or Greece or even the entire [s]Soviet[/s] European Union – it’s the whole world. You won't get a personal warning letter from your [s]feudal overlords[/s] government. And you can't say you weren't warned. . . . A Crisis Created by the Banksters . . . The Money . . . How It All Went Wrong . . . A Global Ponzi Scheme . . . But What Does All This Have To Do With “The Crisis”? . . . The Dollar's Purchasing Power Since the Creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913