Democrats have spent the better part of four years calling tea partiers terrorists, so why is this any surprise.
ZitatHalf of all voters consider radical Muslims the bigger terrorist threat facing the nation, but supporters of President Obama consider the Tea Party to be as big a danger. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters consider radical Muslims to be the bigger threat to the United States today. Thirteen percent (13%) view the Tea Party that way, and another 13% consider other political and religious extremists to be the larger danger. Six percent (6%) point to local militia groups. Two percent (2%) see the Occupy Wall Street movement as the bigger terrorist threat.
Wonder where they could have gotten this crazy idea?
Zitat Vice President Joe Biden yesterday condemned Tea Party Republicans for “acting like terrorists” during the debt fight, sources said.
Biden made the shocking statement during a closed-door meeting with House Democrats to try and whip up support for the debt-limit deal, according to the sources.
The vice president was reacting to an irate Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.), who said Democrats “have negotiated with terrorists,” reported.
“This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money,” Doyle added.
Biden agreed, saying, “They have acted like terrorists,” the report said.
Remember when that lefty nutcase flew a plane into the Austin IRS building? Yup, tea party terrorist. How about this from the Politico in 2011?
ZitatIt has become commonplace to call the tea party faction in the House “hostage takers.” But they have now become full-blown terrorists.
Repeat the big lie enough and people start believing it.