Wait, Chuck Schumer told us “illegal immigration will be a thing of the past” if the bill was passed.
(CNSNews.com) – The Congressional Budget Office and Joint Committee on Taxation on Wednesday published their final analysis of the immigration bill that the U.S. Senate approved in a 68-32 vote last Thursday, concluding that it would only reduce the annual net flow of illegal aliens into the United States by one-third to one-half.
The analysis also said that bill’s full impact in cutting the annual flow of illegal aliens by a third to a half “would take several years” to kick in as the bill’s provision to increase the Border Patrol took effect.
Cutting annual illegal immigration by a third or a half is an improvement from the 25 percent cut in the net flow of illegal aliens that the CBO and JCT estimated would result from the bill that was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee–before it was amended on the Senate floor to include language proposed by Republican Senators Bob Corker (Tenn.) and John Hoeven (N.D.) that had the specific aim of increasing border security and internal immigration enforcement.