The California High-Speed Rail project is supposed to run from San Francisco to Los Angeles and be completed in 2028 at a cost of $65 billion, but only $11.5 billion in funds have already been secured for the project from state, local and private investment.
That means U.S. taxpayers will be called on to make up 61 percent of the estimated $57 billion that the project currently lacks in funding – or $42 billion -- according to congressional testimony from the Government Accountability Office (GAO.)...
The GAO estimates that 81 percent, or $55 billion, of the project’s total funding will come from government entities -- of that $55 billion, $42 billion (61 percent) will be provided by the federal government.
Uh, no thank you. If Californians want to buy Brown's white elephant then let them pay for it themselves. I didn't move out of that state with the intent of continuing to subsidize CA looniness. Besides, last I heard we were broke, or darn near broke, and were looking for ways to cut federal spending, not increase it.
But for those who really care, we've already spent several billion on this latest liberal boondoggle, As of Dec. 6, the California High Speed Rail Project has received the most funding of any initiative from the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) High Speed Intercity Passenger Rail (HSIPR) program ($3.5 billion) and has also received money from the 2009 Stimulus bill.. That's more than enough for Jerry and his band of merry clowns to play with. No mas.
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them."- Galileo Galilei