“I hesitated to write for fear of some kind of retribution .?.?. I watched you make fun of tea baggers and your press secretary make fun of Ms. [Sarah] Palin which was especially beneath the dignity of the White House .?.?. Do the right thing not the political thing. Suggest a bill that Americans can support.”
Obama responded with:
“I received your letter, an appreciate your concern about the toxic political environment right now. I do have to challenge you, though, on the notion that any citizen that disagrees with me has been ‘targeted and ridiculed’ or that I have ‘made fun’ of tea-baggers. I think a fair reading is that I have gone out of my way to listen to legitimate criticism, and defend strongly the rights of everyone to speak their mind."
Quote: Justme wrote in post #1Ritter reportedly wrote:
Obama responded with:
“I received your letter, an appreciate your concern ...
I do have to challenge you, though, on the notion that any citizen that disagrees with me has been ‘targeted and ridiculed’ or that I have ‘made fun’ of tea-baggers.
An official WH correspondence misspells the word "and"? And then the idiot goes on to call the Tea Party "tea-baggers" in the next sentence!
I realize that with the Chicago bath house crowd that he hung with (no pun intended) before becoming the 1st Pimp that isn't an insult,but somebody needs to splain to dah bitch dat shit doan flot wid the rez ob us.
Why is democracy held in such high esteem when it’s the enemy of the minority and makes all rights relative to the dictates of the majority? (Ron Paul,2012)