Quote: steph wrote in post #12I was specifically talking about real persecution for simply believing. It's not here yet. I do think it could happen here primarily because the American church is full of heretical teaching. Instead of discipling members it went to the seeker friendly/purpose driven model to fill the pews with unbelievers. In the process it left out the most important role of the church. Making disciples so the world could be reached. It decided to mimic the world and provide a mediocre subculture. Well, it's not authentic. It's fake and there is a major fallout going on right now. My mother always said that we were two generations from becoming a pagan country.
One other reason there is a big falling away is because some power hungry men decided that they could change the culture through politics. Well that hasn't worked out too well has it?
History has shown that the persecuted church grows because true believers are authentic. They are willing to live and die for their faith. People are drawn to authenticity.
Quote: steph wrote in post #15I am not judging those who are wavering at all. I have been there. It's been a long road back. Finding a church that isn't caught up in entertaining the members is quite difficult.
I do hold the pastors and denominational leaders partially responsible for following stupid fads instead of being diligent in tending to their flocks.
How many people's lives could have been changed had the church invested the millions spent on lavish buildings and entertainment centers in the more needy areas in the communities?
Thriftiness is a virtue, steph.
I read an article last year that talked about churches closing because they had refinanced their mortgages, their membership dropped and then they couldn't afford the mortgage. What a loss that must have meant for the community.
Somewhere along the way people forgot that the church is not the building. It's the people.
They didn't teach the members that they needed one another and that they should be one body.
Maybe we all need to reach out to others, more. I don't know.
Orthodoxy SUCKS.
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them."- Galileo Galilei
1. Teaches the Bible--the whole Bible--and teaches the people to go TO GOD and ask HIM to make it plain to them by HIS SPIRIT who leads into all truth.
2. Has a humble leadership
3. Has a missionary outreach locally to the poor and to other countries and people groups.
4. Is kind, warm, tender hearted toward one another as a major theme of The Gospel of loving God first and one another as one's self.
The Vineyard collection of churches, imho, has done above average in training folks to walk in such priorities. Not all of them are top flight but many are.
Bethel in Redding CA seems to be doing a lot of things right. And God is honoring their stands and Biblical teaching with interesting signs and wonders.
Calvary Chapel has had good leadership and training from Chuck Smith for decades . . . though they can be a bit . . . rigid in the boundaries they seem to put on Holy Spirit, at times. At least they are solid Biblically and teach through the Bible beginning to end without compromise or flinching.
The Assembly of God and the Foursquare Gospel denominations have some really good churches. And some that stink worse than anything--though I haven't surveyed any in recent decades. Maybe they've cleaned up their act more than I think. Church on the Way in Van Nuys founded by . . . name's escaping me . . . wrote the great chorus among many others called "MAJESTY" oh--Jack Hayford. A great congregation per my sources. It's 4 Square.
Yong Yi Cho of South Korea has the world's largest Pentecostal (AoG) church and the largest church of any kind, IIRC--more than a million members based on a main church model with thousands of house churches to minister more personally to each individual.
Folks need to be aware . . . it is an ABSOLUTE FACT that . . .
the globalist oligarchy met early on and DETERMINED with careful strategy to infiltrate the main Christian churches and water down their doctrines and practices--particularly about the Deity of Christ and the operation of His Holy Spirit--particularly in our era.
God threw a bit of a monkey wrench in their works when HE invaded all denominations with the Charismatic movement in the 70's.
However, as we've seen with my recent post about EXO-VATICANUS--even the RCC has been successfully sucked into the satanic global government's control, its memes, priorities, goals, strategies.
Such is NOT ACCIDENTAL. It was planned long ago in hell and a few hundred years or so ago more humanly, more recently by the secret global government folks.
This is not theory. It is no longer arguable in terms of the evidence.
IT is past time for folks to begin training their families and training their minds and spirits to deal with these realities. Such realities WILL become more and more overtly and tyrannically in control of the daily life we see on this planet in neighborhoods near you.
OThuga has telegraphed his plans. He's just getting started. He's AN Anti-Christ forerunner. Pure and simple. No doubt whatsoever. I don't believe he can even reach the rank of The False Prophet or The Forerunner but he's certainly doing all he can as though he were.
I can understand folks not being all that thrilled or comfortable with this information. It's not been comfortable with me for more than 45 years.
I can understand folks not wanting to dialogue with me about it or even respond to me about it. Sometimes that hurts and is dismaying and mystifying but I can mostly understand it.
Regardless of all that, PLEASE PREPARE YOURSELVES AND YOUR FAMILIES. If you need to do more homework to check out what I write--by all means do it. The information--quality information verified by a diversity of sources IS available.
Sticking one's head in the sand like my step-dad will not turn out well for those who do it nor for their families.
Proverbs 22:3 A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. NLT