“Didn't know the Marines had to take the bolts out of their rifles for the Inaugural,” an email forwarded to Gun Rights Examiner from a United States Marine Corps source observed. “Wonder if someone can explain why [they] would be marching in the inaugural parade with no bolts in their rifles!”
The email linked to a YouTube video of the 57th Presidential Inaugural Parade, embedded in this column, featuring Bravo Company Marines from the Marine Barracks Washington. Sure enough, the observation in the email is confirmed by watching the video, with screen shots provided in the photo and slide show accompanying this article.
This prompted an internet search to see if others had also noticed, and the Blur-Brain blog had.
“The bolts have been removed from the rifles rendering them unable to fire a round,” the post stated. “Apparently Obama’s Secret Service doesn’t trust the USMC. Simply searching each guy to make sure he didn’t have a live round hidden on him wasn’t enough, they had to make sure the guns were inoperable.
Wondering if this may be an inauguration policy of long standing that transcends administrations, Gun Rights Examiner made a cursory search and found something even more curious. In the 2009 Inaugural Parade, the United States Navy marched with rifles that had not been so disabled (see 1:24 into that video plus the final slide).
This raises the question of why the administration felt it necessary to make this change now, particularly with concerns being raised about military involvement in domestic affairs, litmus tests on top brass willingness to fire on American citizens alleged by a heretofore prominent and credible Nobel Prize nominee, a "terrorism" policy that allows for assassinating Americans without due process, rising concerns over deployment of domestic drones, and publicized opposition among many in the USMC to presidential policies such as women in combat, as well as having been the most resistant military branch to ending “don’t ask, don’t tell.”
Add to this concerns over administration agencies buying up ammunition in massive quantities, the renewed destruction of expended military ammunition brass in contravention of the Defense Appropriations Act, and Obama’s post-election confidence in dropping the mask on his previously “under the radar” citizen disarmament plans, and the change becomes another piece that fits in a puzzle that’s forming an increasingly disturbing picture.
Unsurprisingly, a Google news feed search finds no reports on inaugural Marine disarmament in the “Authorized Journalist” media. Chances are, most of them aren’t qualified to notice such things, and that it doesn’t serve the agenda of those who are to point such things out.
"Let it be said, the city feels like a police state" -Brian Williams, NBC
Orthodoxy SUCKS.
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." Thomas Jefferson
Dishonored and Disrespected: Obama Disarmed US Marines at Inaugural Parade
Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, February 10, 2013, 9:32 AM
A new administration policy? Barack Obama disarmed the US Marines at the Inaugural parade this year. Dishonored and disarmed: Bolts are clearly missing from these Marine rifles during President Obama’s inauguration parade. This is an unmistakable insult to the honor of the Marine Corps. (Bob Owens)
During the Obama Inaugural last month the administration disarmed the US Marines marching in the parade.
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." Thomas Jefferson
When you are afraid of your troops, third wold has arrived. And a food tester will not be far away, now do you have someone watching the security detail, and someone watching the security detail watcher.
This brings something from my childhood to rememberance.
In the days of my youth, there were times when we became a bit too rowdy for house play, particularly us boys, and our mother would walk into the room...not with any intention of whacking one of us mind you, but simply going about her daily work as a housewife and mother. It was at these times when all she had to do was move toward one of us and we would duck and cover like we were about to receive the beating of a lifetime, even though she had no intention of whipping us. My mother would say: "Oh, you knew you needed it, didn't you?!"
My father, who, as well as holding down a full-time job and running a farm, was an itinerant Baptist Evangelist. He would put such behavior in a biblical perspective:
"The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion."