Media Bias: Media Never Reported That Oregon Mall Shooting Stopped by Armed Citizen Dec 16th, 2012 by Matt.
While the country was in a state of shock over the events at the Sandy Hook school shooting, the MSM was crying for gun control In fact, they were doing so when even the earliest reports of that shooting were coming out. However, they had an earlier shooting that very week, at an Clackamas, Oregon shopping mall. However the MSM left an important aspect of that shooting out- that the shooting was stopped after an armed citizen pulled his weapon on the shooter. Here is the video…
Isn’t it interesting that the MSM left this out of their coverage? Or, was it just that the reality of the situation didn’t fit the narrative, so reality had to go? I think we know the answer to that
Some have suggested that the "failure" of the Clackamas, Oregon shopping mall incident (i.e., the fact that an armed citizen stopped it) hastened the "need" for Newtown, CT. For me, I honestly just don't know. Many years ago I would scoff at these so called "conspiracy theories" and suggest the need for "tinfoil hats," etc. Now I'm not so quick to criticize them out of hand. Are some of these things still wild imaginings of people that are irresponsible with their use of whatever soapbox that they have claimed in the public square? Sure. But I have learned enough to understand that not all of them can be so neatly dismissed without further investigation. Aside from the various factual realities that I and many others have discovered over time, the real eye-opener for me was learning about the Normalcy Bias, and how broad and powerful its effects and affects are. I've been itching to actually write an article about the Normalcy Bias for quite some time. From what I've seen, there really isn't a lot of discussion of it in many places. When I get some uncluttered blocks of time, maybe I will complete it and post it here.
... just another "Cornball Conservative Brother" (h/t Rush)
However, PLEASE, use more journalistic paragraphing style. Our eyes need the microrests of white space between small/short paragraphs.
It's certainly much easier on aging eyes to read. It's also easier to mentally track what's being read when the paragraphs are limited to 5-7 sentences about one discrete main theme.
Quote: FP123 wrote in post #2Some have suggested that the "failure" of the Clackamas, Oregon shopping mall incident (i.e., the fact that an armed citizen stopped it) hastened the "need" for Newtown, CT. For me, I honestly just don't know. Many years ago I would scoff at these so called "conspiracy theories" and suggest the need for "tinfoil hats," etc. Now I'm not so quick to criticize them out of hand. Are some of these things still wild imaginings of people that are irresponsible with their use of whatever soapbox that they have claimed in the public square? Sure. But I have learned enough to understand that not all of them can be so neatly dismissed without further investigation. Aside from the various factual realities that I and many others have discovered over time, the real eye-opener for me was learning about the Normalcy Bias, and how broad and powerful its effects and affects are. I've been itching to actually write an article about the Normalcy Bias for quite some time. From what I've seen, there really isn't a lot of discussion of it in many places. When I get some uncluttered blocks of time, maybe I will complete it and post it here.
The wise man sees calamity coming and prepares for it.
Quote: FP123 wrote in post #2Some have suggested that the "failure" of the Clackamas, Oregon shopping mall incident (i.e., the fact that an armed citizen stopped it) hastened the "need" for Newtown, CT. For me, I honestly just don't know. Many years ago I would scoff at these so called "conspiracy theories" and suggest the need for "tinfoil hats," etc. Now I'm not so quick to criticize them out of hand. Are some of these things still wild imaginings of people that are irresponsible with their use of whatever soapbox that they have claimed in the public square? Sure. But I have learned enough to understand that not all of them can be so neatly dismissed without further investigation. Aside from the various factual realities that I and many others have discovered over time, the real eye-opener for me was learning about the Normalcy Bias, and how broad and powerful its effects and affects are. I've been itching to actually write an article about the Normalcy Bias for quite some time. From what I've seen, there really isn't a lot of discussion of it in many places. When I get some uncluttered blocks of time, maybe I will complete it and post it here.
I look forward to it.
I was brought up to believe that anyone who believed in ‘conspiracy theories’ needed a tin foil hat. However since 9-11 I’ve begun to analyze what was going wrong in this country.
I came upon information on the NWO, Globalism, One World Government and the like. It wasn’t easy to accept, but suddenly all those things that made no sense fell in place - flooding the county with illegal aliens, guest workers, new legal immigrants with no means of support, giving them all kinds of freebies, ceding some of national parks to gangs who traffic in drugs and people, the denigration of our traditional judeo-christian culture and anglo-saxon work ethic, no serious effort to secure our borders, no real attempt to give immigration the tools it needs for accurate timely assessments, no real choice between the two major parties - only the ‘lesser of two evils’, political correctness, etc.
Goldwater, McCarthy, and Birch were correct after all. We are and have been dealing with an 'enemy within'. The communists/marxists/statists changed tactics from a frontal assault to a more insidious one and joined up with the Islamists to bring down the US and its pesky middle class. For years the destruction being wrought was hidden by access to cheap electronic toys made by neo-slaves, cheap credit, and 'enhancements' to government statistics.
Obama is just completing the work toward a New World Order accelerated by Bush-I, and continued by Clinton and Bush-II (not the only culprits, but the most recent ones). I suspect the top of the conspiracy is a relatively small number of individuals who are very patient, flexible, and use the weaknesses of human nature to pursue their agenda (e.g. politicians on both sides of the aisle corrupted by greed and power).
I promise to give it a try, sometime after New Years. Q, I'll be sure to provide more whitespace, I tend to just type away and hit Enter on boards! Thanks for all of those links alger, some sound familiar but I saved them all for later!
... just another "Cornball Conservative Brother" (h/t Rush)