This loser must be on crack. He is arguing that NOW they know Clinton was lying. Like it was up for debate back 15 years ago when he was doing it. I guess this is a positive sign though. In 2028, King will come out and finally admit that the Obama years were a total disaster and he wasn't fit to lead.
ZitatBRIAN MCGRORY, BOSTON GLOBE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Clinton never appeared to be all that hypocritical when he was being accused of having affairs with other women, whereas Gingrich and ... Bob Livingston
JOHN KING, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I was going to say it depends on your definition of hypocritical. (laughter) No, look, there are times where history has proven that Clinton was flat out lying. Again, we could have a great debate in this room about whether anyone thinks that relevant, whether it belonged in the public sphere. If you're a student of this, or you have deep experience at this which I, for better or worse, do just his grand jury testimony under oath proves some other things he said in the past to be not true.
"That question is incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial." -- P. Mason