So, all of a sudden the left in America is concerned with anti-Semitism. That’s a riot. Is this the same left that constantly sides with the Muslim Brotherhood and goes out of their way to support Islam? That left?
It just goes to show, when pundits on the left want to accomplish something — there is no end to the lengths they will go.
I’m speaking, in this case, of gun control and the fascist mayor Michael Bloomberg’s one-man crusade for their confiscation. And don’t think for a moment that it’s not his endgame. As with everything Bloomberg involves himself in, it seems he always knows better than we how we should live our lives, for we cannot be trusted. Sounds a lot like the great progressive Teddy Roosevelt.
And now those with no moral center have branded us pro-Second Amendment advocates “anti-Semites.”
For those who are unaware, Mayor Bloomberg, with his personal fortune, north of $22 billion, started an organization called “Mayors against Illegal Guns.” What an apropos name. Who can be for illegal guns? Naturally no one, and that is why the word game. The left is great at innocuous names for things — abortion is reproductive freedom or women’s health because who would oppose freedom and the health of women?
Anyway, Benito Bloomberg cobbled this organization together to “combat” the influence of the NRA, and he’s announced a $12 million ad campaign to push for universal background checks, because we all know that this is how criminals acquire their guns. Criminals seek out legal sales and subject themselves to legal background checks. I’m sure that’s how MS13 acquired their weapons.
You see, New York’s own Il Duce is Jewish. This past Monday on MSNBC, contributor Mike Barnicle said: “Let’s get down to it, Mike Bloomberg, mayor of New York City; I mean, there’s a level of anti-Semitism in this thing directed toward Bloomberg.” Al Sharpton chimed in agreement: “There’s no doubt about it.”
People hate the Nazi because instead of running his city..he is trying to run everyones lives. If he paid as much attention to the city...maybe people could ride the subways instead of getting shoved on to the tracks.
I am so tired of seeing and hearing him, almost nightly. I now cant stand him..more than I cant stand Obama.