A striking transgender model made up to look like Michelle Obama being sworn into office has been put on the front cover of a U.S. magazine.
Luis Venegas, publisher of the first transsexual style magazine Candy, said he put model Connie Fleming on the front cover because he was inspired by the idea that a black, transsexual woman could one day be president of the Unites States.
The split front cover shows New York model Fleming being sworn into office and waving a U.S. flag accompanied by the headline 'The Candydate'.
Fleming is dressed in typical First Lady fashion, down to the pearl necklace. Even the hair style is reminiscent of the President Barack Obama's wife, Michelle.
The tranny has better hair. That will draw the knives out for most women. A full head of hair is a big issue when it comes to jealousy.
Orthodoxy SUCKS.
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them."- Galileo Galilei
Publicity stunt for a magazine that has a circulation of four. They are going to have to step it up if they are going to match the genuine outrage that the cover of Time created putting a mom breast feeding a 5 year old. Maybe next month they can have Tranny Moochelle eating a Big Mac. That would set the Left off.