Why isn't Holder addressing Muslim groups and speaking out against Islamic Jew-hatred, gender apartheid, honor killings, ethnic cleansing and jihadi wars? No, instead he admonishes the primary target of jihad. (video hat tip Armaros)
Of course there should be no "backlash." No innocent people should be victimized for the deeds of someone else, and any such act is reprehensible. There are two questions here:
1) Is Holder aware of, or even interested in, the fact that Islamic supremacist pressure groups with ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), exaggerate "backlash" fears beyond all proportion in order to deflect attention away from both the jihad attack at hand and the failure of Islamic groups in America to do anything to prevent such attacks?
2) Will Holder issue a similar warning to the Muslim community in the U.S., calling on them to clean up their act and fight against jihad terror activity sincerely, in both word and deed?
I expect that the answer to both is no.
"Breathing fire at the hypocrites," by Michael Goodwin in the New York Post, May 1:
It is a sad sight to watch a man grapple with a world that fails to meet his expectations. Unless that man is Eric Holder. Then it is simply infuriating. The attorney general, warped by his own prejudice, is confused because his fellow citizens are better people than he imagines.
Holder sees white bigots around every corner, and can’t handle the truth that very few Americans actually hate Muslims. So, like Elmer Fudd hunting “wascally wabbits,” Holder’s shots usually backfire.
His Monday speech to the Anti-Defamation League was a classic case of twisted thinking. With his FBI fumbling a chance to stop the Boston bombers, he bizarrely stressed his determination to punish anyone who discriminates against Muslims.
Of course, he didn’t admit that the bombers were Islamists. That would violate the Obama administration’s omerta on linking Islam to terrorism.
But the “see no evil” approach creates a dilemma. How do you warn against vigilante attacks on Muslims without admitting that Muslims did the bombing?
By being disingenuous, as Holder was, saying: “I also want to make clear that — just as we will pursue relentlessly anyone who would target our people or attempt to terrorize our cities — the Justice Department is firmly committed to protecting innocent people against misguided acts of retaliation.”
(excerpt) video at link in the title above.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. - Winston Churchill
Known Answer Question: Who's side are they really on?
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. - Winston Churchill
I'm with Holder on this. The Jews ARE the problem and it is about time someone finally calls them out. If you watch any Woody Allen movie, they are loaded with code words and invitations to rise up and kill Americans. Annie Hall is by far the worst...
Frank Cannon: Rated #1 Insult Poster On Rights Right Six Months Running.
10 Of Top 15 Worst Countries For Religious Tolerance Are Muslim…
LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) – The 15 countries listed are Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Vietnam. All of these nations severely restrict independent religious activity and harass individuals and groups for religious activity or beliefs.
These nations are classified as Tier 1. “Countries of particular concern” in the report.
In spite of its recent opening and political reforms, change in Burma has “yet to significantly improve the situation for freedom of religion and belief.” Most violations in Burma occurred against minority Christian and Muslim adherents.
Egypt’s transitional and elected governments have made progress toward religious freedom, but the commission duly noted the attacks that Coptic Christians that have been ongoing in the period after the Arab Spring that brought down the Mubarak regime. “In many cases, the government failed or was slow to protect religious minorities from violence.”
The former Soviet states of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan were included for pursuing state control over religion, targeting Muslims and minorities alike.
Iraq was cited for, among other things, tolerating “violent religiously motivated attacks” and Iran for “prolonged detention, torture, and executions based primarily or entirely on the religion of the accused.”
Western ally Saudi Arabia also continues to suppress religious practices outside of the officially-sanctioned Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. Saudi Arabia also continues to interfere with the faith of guest workers and prosecutes individuals for “apostasy, blasphemy and sorcery.” Pakistan has a strict blasphemy law and failure to prosecute acts of religious violence, the report said.