The Burglar-Terrorist Alliance Monday, May 06, 2013 Posted by Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog (The following is an adaptation of a talk that I recently gave.)
"Every act of violence has two sides. The side of those who carry it and the side of those who let it happen. When a burglar breaks into a home and kills two people, we don't just discuss what made him do it, but why it was allowed to happen.
That's a conversation we rarely have about terrorism. The left wants us to talk about terrorism as a reaction to something that we as a society or a nation did. It doesn't want to talk about how it smoothes the way for terrorists to do what they do. . . . America is bad. It's bad for wanting to have the good life. It's bad for wanting to protect its own people. It's privileged. And to the left, privileged is the dirtiest word it can think of. The left will put on NEA sponsored plays full of every possible obscenity, but privilege is what it considers a really dirty word.
The left doesn't accept the basic parameters of our society. It doesn't accept that if you buy a house, it's yours. It doesn't accept that if you work 100 hours for 10 dollars an hour that you're entitled to a thousand dollars. It doesn't believe that you built anything.
And so it doesn't accept the idea that stealing or killing is wrong.
The left doesn't accept that the United States has a right to safe and secure borders. It doesn't accept that when it comes to immigration policy or to terrorism.
The left doesn't accept that the United States has a right to exist.
This is where the left finds common ground with Islamic terrorists. Islamic terrorists and the left both agree that the United States is an immoral society. They agree that the United States must be fundamentally transformed.
They just disagree on what it needs to be transformed into. . . . "