A typical commencement address is focused on lofty ideals and challenges graduating students to live up to their potential as they enter the workforce and assume adult responsibilities. But not this one!
The Ohio State speech was billed as a defense of democracy and a challenge to students about the importance of citizenship. Mr. Obama, however, chose to be, once again, very political; he delivered a speech that stands out as uniquely partisan with the "us-against- them" rhetoric that has become all too predictable.
And, true to form, this speech was appallingly un-presidential (even using the phrases "fight like heck" and assuring the graduates that they will "screw up" -- this from a president of the United States in a formal address?), even among numerous other Obama presidential addresses that have been un-presidential in both tone and content. ------ The bottom line of the Ohio State speech was that, according to President Obama, being a good American boils down to hating those who dislike his policies. ------ Sadly, pathetically, Mr. Obama seems to really believe that anyone who opposes his agenda is un-American, and he continues to blame everyone but himself for his failures and for the multiple crises we face. His rhetoric is designed to stir up voters' emotions and mobilize them for the radical agenda in the community organizing campaign that is his presidency.