Continue? I had no idea they were doing this to begin with and wonder if they have any concerns about how the Postal Service is hemorrhaging money. Apparently not.
The hunger strike began Tuesday and is expected to end late Saturday, according to The Washington Post.
Six former and current postal workers, part of a group called Communities and Postal Workers United, are calling the strike “six days starving to save six-day delivery.” Their goal is to stop Congress from reducing postal delivery to five days a week.
Our infrastructure is falling apart. We cannot maintain our postal service. We cannot take care of our troops.
And then Obama throws Obamacare into the mix, on top of all of the regulations, taxes and laws that will continue to grind our economy to a halt.
That the postal workers cannot see the writing on the wall and understand what is coming is shameful.
Have they ever stopped, looked around and wondered where all of the money comes from and what it is spent on?
I have so little pity for people who whine when the rest of us are being pushed further towards the brink where we ourselves will be left jobless once the rug falls out from under our feet. The dominoes will fall.
Orthodoxy SUCKS.
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them."- Galileo Galilei