ZitatOn Friday, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, honoring her dual mandate to pitch Obamacare as hard as humanly possible and forward the administration’s “war on women” meme, tweeted about the glories of the new bureaucracy:
Actually, being a woman will always be a pre-existing condition, just as being a man will always be a pre-existing condition. And women can thank Obamacare when their doctors stop taking insurance.
What in the heck does this mean??? Seriously, what the heck? Does it mean being female means no insurance? Or that specifically female medical conditions (like pregnancy) means no medical care?
America's hope is not the donkey or the elephant, but the Lamb.
Domestic violence victims will be covered. Incredibly, prior to Obama’s health care act, women who suffered from domestic violance were often refused coverage calling such violance against them a “pre-existing condition.” Link