On Oct. 14, Breitbart News recalled that Congress once repealed Ronald Reagan's "signature" health law. The article was inspired by the spurious arguments then being made by Democrats that President Barack Obama could not accept any changes to his own "signature" legislation. One month later, Democrats are desperate to change Obamacare--and the New York Times is exploring repeal, citing the Reagan precedent.
Monday's article by Carl Hulse covers old ground but draws a new "lesson": that Obamacare will not be as easy to repeal because it provides widespread benefits--unless "you get a few white-haired women to jump on the hood of someone’s car.” The reference is to an infamous protest against the late Rep. Dan Rostenkowski, then chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, at a meeting with seniors in Chicago.
The organizer behind that protest was Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), who is now one of Obamacare's champions and who infamously promised to "put the private insurance industry out of business." Her husband, convicted felon Robert Creamer, is one of the chief strategists behind the law and is responsible for the idea, popular among Obama advisers that, once enacted, it would be impossible to repeal.
Other than these talking heads, talking about lies and who is next to lose insurance, and whether their stupid website will work (which anyone that knows anything about the internet knows the thing probably cant be fixed), why isnt anyone up there telling us what is going on now? Is anyone in DC doing anything? Or do we just continue to listen to the crap we already know?