ZitatWhile Obama is officially sworn in today as President for another four years, smart strategists are keeping their eye on the 2014 ball.
There are 32 senators up for reelection in 2014. Of those, 20 are Democrats and 13 are Republicans. With Senator Rockefeller's (D-W.Va) retirement in 2014, an additional senate seat is in play. Democrat resources will be spread thinner than the GOP's on account of this seven seat discrepancy; there will be a Republican advantage in the upcoming campaign season.
Digging deeper, 12 of those 20 Democrat seats come from a state that is red or swing: Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, W. Virginia, and Virginia. Those seats are vulnerable should the party run strong candidates.
An additional advantage for the GOP is Obama's latest attempt to encourage some kind of gun control legislation. Those senators in gun-friendly states will have to choose: either back the President's gun control agenda or risk handing their GOP opponents an effective talking point.
Not a talking point in Virgina, when the halfask senator ran for governor, he ran a big lie operation called sportaman for warner. He did the same thing when he ran for senator, and he did a lot to use the warner name without his ugly mug. I still think a lot of people thought they were voting for the old warner. Warner will not touch this gun thing with a hundred foot pole. But I sure hope he loses,
Midterms are going to become the only time the GOP can win... because liberals need the support of low-information voters, racist minorities, pop-culture steeped fools, cheaters, etc...
Those folks are too stupid and uninformed to even realize midterm election occur in the first place.
But we need to be able to win in non-midterm years. :(