He said the same thing on Friday hours after the shooting. Apparently, he felt the need to say it again.
Via The Hill:
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) on Monday afternoon resumed his call for a federal “Department of Peace,” which he said is needed to counteract a “cultural matrix” in the United States that produces violence.
“On a global level, this type of thinking justified war and brings the slaughter of innocents. Nationally, it sows seeds for murder,” he said on the House floor.
“Yet war abroad and violence at home are not inevitable. We have it within our power to recreate America today.”
“Let us create an organized, structured approach to become architects of a new culture of peace in our homes and our schools and our workplaces,” he added. “This is what the Department of Peace is about. Let us establish in America, where national security and peace at home includes jobs, housing, physical and mental healthcare, education, retirement security for all.”
Kucinich, who is leaving the House at the end of the 112th Congress, has introduced legislation calling for the creation of a Department of Peace, a bill that has more than five dozen Democrats as co-sponsors.
As often Kucinich identifies a real problem, a “cultural matrix” in the United States that produces violence, and offers a solution that will compound it - more government utopian nanny statism, a Department of Peace.
To fix our culture we need to pull out the offending "cultural matrix", Cultural Marxism / Political Correctness, by the roots and restore our traditional Judeo-Christian ethic infused with a work ethic that respects both owner and labor.
Evil exists and new laws and regulations with neither change that nor control it.
Sure, a Department of Peace will fix everything! You know, we have a track record to look back upon -- every single extra-Constitutional federal agency and/or cabinet post has been a smashing success! Who can honestly oppose such brilliance? FORWARD!