The funeral of four young children who died holding each other in a cupboard as their mobile home burned down around them was held today in Hartsville, South Carolina. Their mother Hope Kaneshia Hawkins, 21, has been charged with homicide by child abuse after the siblings were found allegedly home alone, where they died of smoke inhalation. h/t CLICK
So...was this Obama success story out on a drug run, converting her food stamps into cash for drugs or just plain old hooking that had her leave small children alone in the house/dump?
Frank Cannon: Rated #1 Insult Poster On Rights Right Six Months Running.
Quote: Heisenberg wrote in post #4She couldn't get a Planned parenthood appointment.
Aborted babies don't bring in the gubmint checks as good as live ones. I will bet that she is upset about this because her income stream just dried up.
Frank Cannon: Rated #1 Insult Poster On Rights Right Six Months Running.