There’s a good piece today in Front Page Magazine about how we’ve turned into a police state because the powers-that-be refuse to profile suspects, so instead they suspect all of us. That’s why any of us can find ourselves subjected to the blue-glove treatment by the TSA. It’s why so many of those charged with upholding the Constitution are so quick to defend the government’s massive snooping operation. They’ve completely whitewashed the threat of Islamic jihad, so now we’re all treated like suspected terrorists.
Pandering to Islam is just the latest phase in the dumbing down of law enforcement that began when civil liberties activists made it nearly impossible for police to do their jobs. After decades of lawsuits and judicial activism, law enforcement and a new generation of urban mayors reclaimed troubled areas with ruthless policing that terrorized people across the board.
The tactics worked and liberals learned to love the police state because it kept them safe and because it did not discriminate. As long as anyone was liable to be randomly shot, without regard for their personal details, then the police state was fine with them. Once they had been mugged enough times, they realized that they didn’t oppose aggressive policing. What they opposed was selectively aggressive policing. Random terror against random terror was fine with them.
This strange compromise between liberals and law enforcement led to a perverse police state in which any form of discrimination based on likelihood of criminality was worse than the actual crime or than treating everyone like a criminal.
Terrorism upgraded these same tactics on a larger scale. The TSA gave the entire country a taste of the tactics that reclaimed inner cities. Behind the scenes, national versions of urban law enforcement tactics were being deployed. Meanwhile the real threat was getting a taste of traditional community policing with FBI agents and Federal prosecutors waiting in line at every mosque entrance to talk about how the government can help Muslims prevent terrorism by treating it like a social problem.
Read the whole thing. The Bush administration was guilty of this, and it’s just gotten worse under Obama.
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." Thomas Jefferson
"If people can’t trust not only the executive branch but also don’t trust Congress, and don’t trust federal judges, to make sure that we’re abiding by the Constitution with due process and rule of law, then we’re going to have some problems here." - Barack Obama, June 7, 2013
There’s a good piece today in Front Page Magazine about how we’ve turned into a police state because the powers-that-be refuse to profile suspects, so instead they suspect all of us.
Hey, they're stealing material from the ThirstyMan!!!
"But now, we're following this illogical bureaucratic, brainless and effeminate PC movement. The PC movement has ushered in a new "enlightened" response to crime that treats us all as criminals!!! [ talk about a false moral equivalency!!!] Being PC wastes mega-resources and mega-time by doing things like random and intense body searches at airports on grandma while a high probability passenger gets a bye."
The bureaucracy: the new fourth branch of government. The bureaucracy is permanent, unaccountable, unelected and choking us like a weed. The bureaucrat exists, generating nothing of value, using perceived problems to justify his existence.