i think you should buy this car. It won't get you from point A to point B. It gets terrible gas mileage. You'll probably end up getting a five year loan (because it's overpriced) but you'll be lucky if it lasts two years, tops.
Yes, I think you should buy this car, because it's an R brand. And if you don't think I've done a good job selling it, you're wrong. Because I can give you THE BEST reason for buying this car (there are, after all, only two brands available.)
You should buy this car because it's an R.
Not a D
The last man nearly ruined this place he didn't know what to do with it. If you think this country's bad off now, just wait 'til [Zero's] through with it. ~Rufus T. Firefly, paraphrased from the blockbuster 1933 hit "Duck Soup"
Yeah Cedric. Thanks for posting more MSM tailored stupidity from the Scott Brown wing of the party...
Former Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., who hails from the moderate wing of the GOP, was not convinced that Republicans could avoid being scalded by a shutdown fight, telling "Fox News Sunday" that a shutdown is "exactly" what Democrats want.
This is the picture Cedric has hanging above his bed.
Where is the argument? Really? Can you guys provide the names of the needed republicans who will vote or this?
As Cruz said a "grassroots tsunami" is what we need to save this. Again, the point that Obummers shutting down the govt needs to be repeated instead of the GOP - if the votes are even there. Instead the MSM is doing the liberals a favor by misrepresenting the facts and wussie Republucan Reps fall for it.
Quote: Cedric wrote in post #7 Go ahead, Frank, tell us how ya get this defunding fantasy passed.
Just like everything else the GOP does. They threaten to not fund candidates campaigns if they do not go along with it. Right there are all the votes on the GOP side.
Now. Where is the GOP Progressive hack idea on the table? Vote for Romney and maybe he will repeal certain parts of Zerocare he doesn't like? Oh. That boat of fail came and went and now all you have is a bucket of shit to sell everyone. LOL.
Thanks for playing though. You RINO's are always entertaining.
Quote: Cedric wrote in post #7 Go ahead, Frank, tell us how ya get this defunding fantasy passed.
Just like everything else the GOP does. They threaten to not fund candidates campaigns if they do not go along with it. Right there are all the votes on the GOP side.
Yeah, and by issuing threats, they get 45 votes in the Senate.....they need 67.